August 13, 2023

august  13, 2023

Nubnuav Nyeem-Kawm Vaajtswv Txujlug 



“Ca le tawm moog qha txhua haiv tuabneeg huv qaabntuj nuav kuas puab lug ua kuv cov thwjtim, muab puab puab ua kevcai rausdlej huv Leejtxiv, Leejtub hab tug Ntsujplig Dlawbhuv lub npe.” (Matthew 28:19)



Xaav Txug Txujlug Nubnua

Peb yog ib qhov kev thoobxeeb. Peb pehawm tuabtug Vaajtswv, tabsis tuabtug Vaajtswv tshwm qha Nwg tugkheej ua peb tug tuabneeg.  1 Yauhaas 5:7NKJ “Rua qhov muaj peb ua timkhawv nyob sau ceebtsheej: Leejtxiv, Txujlug, hab Ntsujplig Dlawbhuv, hab peb tug nuav yog tuabtug – For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” Mathais 28:19 has, “Ca le tawm moog qha txhua haiv tuabneeg huv qaabntuj nuav kuas puab lug ua kuv cov thwjtim, muab puab puab ua kevcai rausdlej huv Leejtxiv, Leejtub hab tug Ntsujplig Dlawbhuv lub npe.” Rua qhov peb tug Vaajtswv yog Vaaj peb leeg.  Thaus cov timtswv ceebtseej pehawm tug Tswv huv Yaxayas 6:3, puab ua lecaag? Muaj ibtug quaj tawm rua lwm tug hab has tas, “Dlawbhuv, dlawbhuv, dlawbhuv, yog tug Tswv Vaajtswv tug Togqhua.” Dlawbhuv yog Leejtxiv, dlawbhuv yog tug Tub, dlawbhuv yog tug Ntsujplig. Hab vim rua qhov tuabneeg tau tsim lug muaj Vaajtswv tug yaam ntxwv,  Tuabneeg muaj 3 tug yaam ntxwv,  Ib Thexalaunikes  5:23 has tas,  “Thov kuas taagnrho huv mej tug tus ntsujplig, mej lub sab hab mej lubcev kuas tsi xob muaj ib txhum txug nub Tswv Yexus Khetos rov qaablug.”

Kev Thov Vaajtswv

Vaajtswv thov koj paab kuas kuv totaub txug koj kev koomxeeb huv pebtug ua ibtug kws yog Leejtxiv, Leejtub, hab Ntsujplig. Huv Yexus Khetos lub npe, Kuv thov. Amees.