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By: Xh. Sean Yang
Bible Passage:
Isaiah 53:4-6
4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Wow! Could you believe that it’s already Christmas time? This year has gone and passed so quickly. As we get ready for Christmas and the holidays, let’s pause with our families to discuss the beauty of what has happened. Jesus was born in a manger, as promised! And all the promises of Jesus’s coming had come to pass, including His death and resurrection. In the season of waiting, we prepare our hearts for the coming King. During Christmas day we get to rejoice because the King has come! Jesus gave us new life through His sacrifice on the cross.
For your family, I want you to open the Word to show your family how they can respond to the good news of Jesus coming. Ask them what they think the purpose of Christmas is. Then on Christmas Eve learn the what and the how. Then on Christmas day, help your family understand the why.
Here’s the ‘Why’ of Christmas. Ultimately the ‘Why’ of Christmas helps answer the bigger question:
Why did Jesus come? Jesus came to atone for our sins. What does that mean? What did it look like?
Isaiah 53 perfectly lays out why Jesus came, what it meant, and how it would look. Read these verses with your family to help walk them through why Jesus came and why believers have something to celebrate during this season.
Now what? What are we going to do in our hearts and with our family to remember this sacrifice? We have an example of remembrance that we as Christians do. Communion is an act of worship. As a family, consider taking communion in remembrance of Jesus’s sacrifice on our behalf. He came to give this broken world hope and we continue to hold onto the hope that one day we will return to bring us all into His eternal glory.
Heavenly Father,
Lord, it is the season of Christmas. A season of giving, presents and getting together. Lord, sometimes we are so focused on these things that we forget the true meaning of Christmas. Allow us to know and remember the true meaning of Christmas. Which is your ultimate sacrifice for our sins through Jesus Christ. Lord, we were meant for death, we deserved wrath, and yet Christ took our place and promised us that if we should believe in Him, we will gain eternal life with you. I pray for everyone, that this season isn’t about gifts and what you can get, but to appreciate the gift already given to us through Christ Jesus. Thank you Lord. In Jesus’s name. Amen!