One Mind, One Voice

May the God who gives you endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. – Romans 15:5-6

News & Announcements

  • Southern Baptist Hmong churches impact Hmong International Freedom Festival

    Southern Baptist Hmong churches impact Hmong International Freedom Festival

    The Hmong International Freedom Festival, one of the largest gatherings in the world of the formerly agrarian people with roots in Laos, Vietnam and Thailand, takes place the weekend before the Fourth of July. And thanks to a strong Southern Baptist Hmong presence at this year’s festival, dozens of attendees responded to the Gospel. Last…

  • Hmong Freedom Festival Outreach

    Hmong Freedom Festival Outreach

    Join HBNA at the International Hmong Freedom Festival! John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” We invite you to be a part of an impactful event where HBNA will be leading worship and sharing powerful messages of hope with the…

  • Pastor Vacancy – Stockton, CA

    Pastor Vacancy – Stockton, CA

    Announcement for Vocational Senior Pastor Vacancy Opening Date: March 1st, 2024 Deadline to close application: July 31, 2024 Hmong Baptist Fellowship Church is seeking a spirited filled individual to serve as the senior pastor of a small congregation. We seek a strong visionary leader who will fulfill our vision of Evangelize, Baptize and Transform through…

  • 2024 Annual Meeting Information

    2024 Annual Meeting Information

    Please mark your calendar for the 2024 Annual Meeting. Location is Fresno, California on October 4th and 5th. Theme: One Mind, One Voice Bible Verse: Romans 15:5-6 Meeting Location: Christian Temple, 525 N Cedar, Fresno, CA 93702

  • Pastor Search – Milwaukee, WI

    Pastor Search – Milwaukee, WI

    Hmong First Baptist Church of Milwaukee was founded in 1982 and constituted in 1985. Our church is a multigenerational church with over 50+ Hmong families. We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Minnesota Wisconsin Baptist Convention, the Hmong Baptist National Association, and the Lakeland Baptist Association. Our worship services are conducted in the…

  • Living Water Registration

    Living Water Registration

    Living Water Conference is a youth conference associated with Hmong Baptist National Association. Our core goal is to have young people learn about the Gospel and the importance of Jesus Christ in their lives. Youths will also engage in team activities that will help build a sense of community and fellowship.

Bible Devotions


  • Walking in Discernment

    Walking in Discernment

    By: Dr. Joseph Yang Bible passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 21-22 (NIV) “But test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” Summary: Discernment is the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, or God’s will and human desires. In a world filled with competing voices and ideologies, discernment…


  • January 14, 2025

    Nubnuav Nyeem-Kawm Vaajtswv Txujlug January 14, 2025  “Vaajtswv yuav tsi rau txim rua tug kws ntseeg Vaajtswv tug Tub, tabsis Vaajtswv tub rau txim rua tug kws tsi ntseeg Vaajtswv tug Tub lawm, rua qhov tug ntawd tsi ntseeg Vaajtswv tuableeg Tub. Vaajtswv rau txim rua tuabneeg, rua qhov Vaajtswv tub ua qhovkaaj ci lug…

  • January 13, 2025

    Nubnuav Nyeem-Kawm Vaajtswv Txujlug January 13, 2025  “Mej yuavtsum ncu ntsoov hastas, tug tswV yog Vaajtswv; nwg yog tug tsim peb, hab peb yog nwg tug, peb yog nwg haiv tuabneeg, hab peb yog nwg paab yaaj.”— Ntawv Nkauj 100:3    Xaav Txug Tejlug Rua Nubnua Vaajtswv tsim peb hab paub peb thaus lub sijhawm peb…

  • January 11-12, 2025

    Nubnuav Nyeem-Kawm Vaajtswv Txujlug January 11-12, 2025  “Mej puas ncu tej lug kws Vaajtswv ntuag mej lawm? Nwg ntuag mej, vim mej yog nwg cov mivnyuas. Nwg has tas, “Mivtub es, thaus tug Tswv qhuabntuag koj, koj yuavtsum khaws nkaus nwg tej lug ca, hab thaus nwg tshev koj, koj tsi xob poobsab..”— Henplais 12:5  …