2024 HBNA Annual Meeting

One Mind, One Voice

October 4-5, 2024
Fresno, California

May the God who gives you endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. – Romans 15:5-6

HBNA National Conference 2023 at Green Lake, WI
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News & Announcements

  • Standing Stones Camp 2024

    Standing Stones Camp 2024

    HBNA had their Standing Stones Youth Camp at Union University in Jackson, TN. We had 491 attendees and 18 individuals gave their life to Christ. It was an honor to have Dr. Vern Charette as our main speaker preaching on Standing Firm in Christ! Be on the look out for dates and new location for…

  • Pastors & Wives Retreat Registration

    Pastors & Wives Retreat Registration

    Hello pastors, deacons, and church members, it is our great joy and privilege to announce that Hmong Baptist National Association is having a pastors and wives retreat this year. If you have any questions, please contact Xh. Chong Pao Thao (720) 341-8743 or Xh. Cher Cha Yang (559) 832-1089. Thank you.

  • Southern Baptist Hmong churches impact Hmong International Freedom Festival

    Southern Baptist Hmong churches impact Hmong International Freedom Festival

    The Hmong International Freedom Festival, one of the largest gatherings in the world of the formerly agrarian people with roots in Laos, Vietnam and Thailand, takes place the weekend before the Fourth of July. And thanks to a strong Southern Baptist Hmong presence at this year’s festival, dozens of attendees responded to the Gospel. Last…

  • Hmong Freedom Festival Outreach

    Hmong Freedom Festival Outreach

    Join HBNA at the International Hmong Freedom Festival! John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” We invite you to be a part of an impactful event where HBNA will be leading worship and sharing powerful messages of hope with the…

  • Pastor Vacancy – Stockton, CA

    Pastor Vacancy – Stockton, CA

    Announcement for Vocational Senior Pastor Vacancy Opening Date: March 1st, 2024 Deadline to close application: July 31, 2024 Hmong Baptist Fellowship Church is seeking a spirited filled individual to serve as the senior pastor of a small congregation. We seek a strong visionary leader who will fulfill our vision of Evangelize, Baptize and Transform through…

  • 2024 Annual Meeting Information

    2024 Annual Meeting Information

    Please mark your calendar for the 2024 Annual Meeting. Location is Fresno, California on October 4th and 5th. Theme: One Mind, One Voice Bible Verse: Romans 15:5-6 Meeting Location: Christian Temple, 525 N Cedar, Fresno, CA 93702

Bible Devotions


  • Barnabas the Encourager

    Barnabas the Encourager

    By Pastor Vam Foung Vang Was there ever a time someone who just was on your side when you messed up and it seemed that everyone was disappointed at you? They didn’t seem to care that you messed up big time; at church, at work, at home, or just in life. I can really use…


  • October 18, 2024

    Nubnuav Nyeem-Kawm Vaajtswv Txujlug October 18, 2024 “Tabsis tug paab, tug Ntsujplig Dlawbhuv kws kuv txiv khaiv sawv kuv cev lug. Nwg yuav qha txhua yaam rua mej, hab paab kuas mej cim ntsoov ib puas tsaav yaam kws kuv tub qha rua mej lawm.” Yauhaas 14:26  Xaav Txug Tejlug Rua Nubnua Tsuas muaj tuab…

  • October 17, 2024

    Nubnuav Nyeem-Kawm Vaajtswv Txujlug October 17, 2024 “Kuv hab puab puavleej ca sab ib yaam nkaus hastas, Vaajtswv yuav tsaa cov tuabneeg kws tuag lawm txhua tug sawv huv qhovtuag rov qaab lug, tsi has cov tuabneeg phem cov tuabneeg zoo huv tuabsi. Yog le ntawd, kuv txhaj muab sab rau ua zoo kuas hum…

  • October 16, 2025

    Nubnuav Nyeem-Kawm Vaajtswv Txujlug October 16, 2024 “Tabsis nwg teb kuv has tas: “Kuv pum zoo hlub koj ces txaus lawm, kuv yuav pub kuv lub fwjchim rua tug kws qaugzug.” Yog le ntawd qhov kws kuv qaugzug ua rua kuv zoo sab kawg le, rua qhov Yexus Khetos lub fwjchim tsomkwm kuv.”— 2 Kauleethaus 12:9…