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How Do We Discern In A Sea of Confusion
By Pastor Vam Foung Vang
Due to the culmination of decades of cultural and political movements, our schools and workplaces across USA have been inundated with Diversity Equity and Inclusive (DEI) programs, offices, and personnel. As a Christian, should we not be inclusive and seek equity within our community, and diversity is tolerance, right?
A case study should help us discern this confusion and internal conflict of wanting to fit in and living according to God’s will.
So, in early 2024 a young middle schooler in Massachusetts had to go to court to fight his school suspension/censor-fight for his 1st Amendment right (i.e. free speech, freedom of religion…), because he wore a t-shirt stating, “There are 2 genders.” This is reflecting the creation in Genesis 5:2, that God created male and female in His image. So, a suspension led to a court case because his t-shirt message spoke against the schools Pride program.
So, how can we apply God’s whole word, but most pertinent is Romans 12:3, Colossians 2:8, and Matthew 5: 13-14 to his worldly school that celebrates Pride; opposition to God’s word?
Romans 12:3
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
Matthew 5: 13-14
Salt and Light
13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
As believers we can only submit to the council of the Word of God and these verses provide a few of the element that will aid Christians to protect their faith from conforming to the World and live faithfully.
The first elements are found in Romans and Colossians, which is God and Christ; particularly the phrase “will of God” and “according to Christ”. The second element is “do not conform to this world” and “no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit by human tradition and elemental spirits”. And the final 3rd element is found in Matthew–to be light (living example of God’s will) and salt (to interact and change the community to God’s will). These versus were applied in this order as part of discernment, which includes action and not just mental and theological assent. That means we are called to reject the way of the World and not allow human philosophy or empty lies to capture our minds, but that requires a mind/world view that has been regenerated by God, and test everything to the standard that is God’s Word/Will.
The young man or any Christian should be able to follow God’s will of discernment commanded in Romans and Colossians by testing DEI/Pride against the truth of Genesis 5, that God created 2 genders: male and female. This discernment led him to stand up to profess God’s word while the school professed the world’s philosophy and empty deceit of DEI/Pride. His speaking out was light, allowing people to see God’s word, and salt, by courageously speaking and challenging false philosophies and empty deceit. We know that light allows us to see and pushes back darkness, and salt preserves and cleans the open wound, which the World and Satan does not like.
Implicitly, the young man probably realized that DEI and its other manifestation such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) are part of the Post-Modern Philosophy married with Cultural Marxism. This world philosophy/belief is simply not Biblical and will require more in-depth study, which is an intrinsic part of discernment.
This young man’s story included personal persecution, threats, rejection, ridicule, and forced silence against him, which is even difficult for an adult to bear. The need for courage is obvious but discernment is not easy to come to. So, a few thoughts for you to consider and discern:
What are DEI, CRT, Pride, Post-Modern Philosophy etc.? Can I detect these worldly philosophies, false beliefs, and empty deceit? Can I speak out respectfully when I am faced with this?
I hope we Christians realize that our God given gifts of liberty is precious and that we must not take it for granted. Realize that we can freely worship God because we continue to uphold God’s word. Are you ready to uphold God’s word?